Healthcare Translations

Thursday, March 1, 2012
The scenario goes like this:
Mrs. Williams does not speak much English because she is new to your country. She takes the pamphlet you gave her for instructions for her new medicine, medical treatment, or daily life changes. The insert that comes with the medicine is not in Mrs. Williams's native language. She does the best she can to understand but in the long run Mrs. Williams does herself harm because she did not understand that particulars of her new drugs.
Her baby also received shots that day and she is handed another pamphlet on what side effects may occur. Some side effects are mild while others are life threatening. Because she cannot understand the pamphlet, her child is at risk.
Who is responsible for translating this information?
All of us at one time or another find ourselves using a variety of doctor specialties. This could be medial doctors, eye doctors, heart surgeons, or even chiropractors. We ingest drugs manufactured in countries from around the world.

Well over 21 million U.S. residents have Limited English Proficiency (LEP). Healthcare Translations are necessary! Without them, we leave a major part of our population in the dark about their own medical care.
Medical personnel, drug and pharmaceutical companies, medical equipment companies and your own doctor should make sure that you understand everything about what is going on with you. It is up to these people and companies to accurately translate the instructions you need to keep you on the right track to good health while using their products and their advice.
Healthcare translation companies
It would be impossible to have someone in every office who knew every language of your patients so what you need is a company to translate the information you need to impart to you patients.
Running English to Japanese in Google translator does not get the full point across to the reader. Translating just words doesn't work because words need to be translated in context. Neither does hiring some college language graduate or someone who may be fully versed in a few languages.
You need to hire a proven professionals. To do this you need to check out different translation companies. You hire a company who has been doing this type of translation for years. A company who has a staff of certified professionals with a broad range of languages. A company who can name clients that you've already heard of and can call to find if the company satisfied their needs. You need this type of service because accuracy in translation is imperative.


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